Patrick Allen, Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) announced today that Robert Nott has been named Communications Director for the department. For the past 25 years, Robert has been a reporter for the Santa Fe New Mexican. « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) announced today that it has been reaccredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) for five more years. « read more »
Since April 1 there have been at least 51 heat-related visits to emergency departments across New Mexico. As temperatures are expected to climb to the mid to upper 90s in Roswell and Carlsbad and remain in the low 90s in Las Cruces this week, the New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) is urging... « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) is greatly expanding its ability to help those suffering from opioid use disorder (OUD). Starting this week, more than 30 public health offices will offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use available both in person and via telehealth. Th... « read more »
May is Wildfire Awareness Month and the New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) is urging New Mexicans to be prepared in the event of wildfires. Climate change has impacted New Mexico, with increased and persistent heat as well as strong winds. Both these conditions lead to an increased risk of w... « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health (NM Health) recognizes May as Hepatitis C Awareness Month and May 19 as Hepatitis Testing Day and encourages all adults in New Mexico to get tested and know their status. « read more »
Patrick Allen, Secretary of NMHealth announced today that Christopher Harris has been named Marketing Public Education Outreach Director for the department. « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) recognizes May as National Nurses Month and in particular May 6-12 as National Nurses Week. Nurses contribute to health in multifaceted ways including as educators, innovators and caregivers and are an essential part of our healthcare system. « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) invites all participants of New Mexico Grown, a program that works with local farmers, ranchers, and food businesses, to apply for the Golden Chile Awards. Awards are given for a variety of activities such as establishing edible gardens, serving locally... « read more »
Fentanyl Awareness Day, recognized annually on May 7, is a chance to raise awareness about the risks of opioid use, educate the public about overdose prevention, and reduce stigma around substance use. « read more »
Immunizations protect children from serious diseases, including measles. This week, April 22-29 is National Infant Immunization Week, which is the perfect time to remind families to get children caught up on vaccines. « read more »
April is national Alcohol Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness and understanding of alcohol abuse. Over time, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious issues that affect your quality of life, both physically and mentally. « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) is encouraging residents to recognize Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Awareness Week and always practice safe sex. STI Awareness Week, observed in the second full week of April (14-20), aims to raise awareness and reduce stigma around STI preventio... « read more »
April 3 is National Walking Day: The New Mexico Department of Health’s (NMHealth) Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program reminds everyone how a walk – even a short 15-minute walk – everyday can make a big difference in your health and how you feel. « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) is celebrating National Public Health Week April 1-7. During this week the department is also taking time to recognize the public health contributions of its staff across the state. « read more »
In a state of just over two million people, around 255,000 New Mexican adults had diabetes and over 587,000 New Mexican adults had prediabetes in the years 2020 through 2022. « read more »
Today, the New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) and New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) announced that their light touch nurse home visiting program, Family Connects New Mexico (FCNM) earned certification through Family Connects International only a year after launching... « read more »
This month, a joint program between the Mexico Department of Health’s (NMDOH) Comprehensive Cancer Program, UNM’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, the American Cancer Society (ACS), and Project ECHO is launching to raise awareness about the importance of colorectal cancer screening. The New Mexico C... « read more »
The Department of Health (NMDOH) and the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish are recognizing Brain Injury Awareness Month by promoting prevention of childhood TBI, commonly known as concussions. « read more »
About 85% of people nationwide will get a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in their lifetime – often without even knowing it. Vaccination of all 11–12-year-olds can protect them long before they are ever exposed. « read more »