Therapy Services: ASHA Preferred Practice Pattern
Assistive Technology: Guidelines
Assistive Technology: Inventory Memo
Therapy Services: Collaborative-Consultative Therapy Service Model Guidelines
Therapy Services: Documentation Guidelines
Therapy Services: Jackson Class Members – Clinical Exceptions Information
Therapy Services: Prior Authorization – Instruction for Adding a Therapy Assistant to a Current Budget
Therapy Services: Participatory Approach Philosophy Guidelines
DDW Service Planning and Budgets for Adults: Clinical Documentation Checklist
DDW Case Management: Allocation Tip Sheet
Medically Fragile Waiver History
Respite Provider List
MFW Rate Table
Mi Via Self-Directed Waiver Billing Instructions
Clinical Services Training: Nurse Training Memo
This memo explains updates to the required abuse, neglect & exploitation training.
This document describes the approval process for Joint Organization on Education in the EMS Training Program.
This is the process for re-entry and renewal for instructor coordinators.
Job Aid for POD Triage Team Members
Job Aid for POD Triage Team Leader