Community Health Workers Asthma Training Flyer Feb 2022
LTC Home Health / Hospice Guidance updated 12-14-2021
LTC Home Health/ Hospice Guidance
ICF/IID Visitation Quarantine Activity Guidance
Standards and Core Competencies of Practice for Licensed Midwives in New Mexico
Based on the Three Core Functions of Public Health and the Ten Essential Public Health Services
Temporary Volunteer Guidance 10.07.21
This guide has been developed to assist the emergency medical service/system training coordinators, medical directors, and emergency medical services educators in designing continuing education programs that will meet the educational needs of emergency medical services personnel and the renewal requirements set forth by the emergency medical systems bureau.
LTC Testing Guidance updated 8.31.21
LTC Testing Guidance updated 8.26.21
Crisis Staffing Instructions
Home Health and Hospice Letter of Direction updated July 9th,2021
This guide explains the process of reporting Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation in community-based medicaid waiver programs.
COVID-19 Testing Guidance for Assisted Living Facilities
New Mexico Guidelines for the Use of Benzodiazepines
Guidance on how to use the ERM Comprehensive Contact Tracing and Monitoring Messaging service.