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Photo of the publication cover. Signage - Registration Strategic National Stockpile - Marketing October 18, 2016

POD Regitration Station Sign - Can be used for Reproduction

Photo of the publication cover. Signage - Screening Strategic National Stockpile - Marketing October 18, 2016

POD Screening Station Sign - Can be used for Reproduction

Photo of the publication cover. Signage - Start Strategic National Stockpile - Marketing October 18, 2016

POD Start Sign - Can be used for Reproduction

Photo of the publication cover. Signage - Support Strategic National Stockpile - Marketing October 18, 2016

POD Support Station Sign - Can be used for Reproduction

Photo of the publication cover. Signage - Treatment Strategic National Stockpile - Marketing October 18, 2016

POD Treatment Station Sign - Can be used for Reproduction

Photo of the publication cover. Signage - Wait Strategic National Stockpile - Marketing October 18, 2016

POD Wait Sign - Can be used for Reproduction

Photo of the publication cover. Maternal Child Health - Developmental Milestones Maternal Health - Marketing August 22, 2016

This poster describes the developmental milestones to look out for as you watch and help your child grow.

Informacion a observer y ayudar a sus ninos a crecer

Photo of the publication cover. Maternal Child Health - Maternal Depression Pamphlet Maternal Health - Marketing August 22, 2016

This helpful pamphlet provides a wealth of information about Maternal Depression. It explains the difference between Maternal Depression and the Baby Blues.

Informacion de la Depresion Materna

Photo of the publication cover. Prescription Monitoring Infographic Substance Use Epidemiology - Marketing March 22, 2016

This helpful infographic provides information on prescription monitoring programs in the United States in a visual fashion which makes it easy to understand. Highlights include overdose deaths where prescription drugs were involved, how often providers don’t check the prescription monitoring program before prescribing controlled substances, states which are mandating checks, and more.

Photo of the publication cover. Zika Virus Brochure Zoonotic Diseases - Marketing February 26, 2016

This brochure provides important facts about the Zika virus.

Folleto del Virus Zika

Photo of the publication cover. Tuberculosis Cases in the United States Infographic Tuberculosis Prevention - Marketing November 6, 2015

This infographic illustrates all the cases of tuberculosis in the United States for 2014.

Photo of the publication cover. Tuberculosis Cases in New Mexico Infographic Tuberculosis Prevention - Marketing November 6, 2015

This infographic illustrates all the cases of tuberculosis in New Mexico for 2014.

Photo of the publication cover. Los Lunas Community Program Brochure Los Lunas Community Program - Marketing September 9, 2015

This brochure explains all about the Los Lunas Community Program including who we are, values, purpose, mission, services, and much more.

Photo of the publication cover. Home Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adults Older Adult Falls - Marketing July 15, 2015

Falls are often due to hazards that are easy to overlook but easy to fix. This checklist will help you find and fix those hazards in your home. This checklist asks about hazards found in each room of your home. For each hazard, the checklist tells you how to fix the problem. At the end of the checklist, you’ll find other tips for preventing falls.

Inicio Fall Prevención Comprobar Lista

Photo of the publication cover. Stay Independent Older Adult Falls - Marketing July 15, 2015

Falls are the main reason why older people lose their independence. Are you at risk?

Manténgase Independiente

Photo of the publication cover. What You Can Do To Prevent Falls Older Adult Falls - Marketing July 15, 2015

Many falls can be prevented. By making some changes, you can lower your chances of falling. Exercise to improve your balance and strength, have your health care provider review your medicines, have your vision checked, and make your home safer.

Lo Que Usted Puede Hacer Para Prevenir las Caídas

Photo of the publication cover. Postural Hypotension Older Adult Falls - Marketing July 15, 2015

Postural hypotension (or orthostatic hypotension) is when your blood pressure drops when you go from lying down to sitting up or from sitting to standing. When your blood pressure drops, less blood can go to your organs and muscles. This can make you likely to fall.

Hipotensión Postural

Photo of the publication cover. Nursing Careers Flyer Employment Opportunities - Marketing April 20, 2015

This flyer contains all the information needed to browse and apply for nursing jobs with the New Mexico Department of Health. It also contains the direct telephone numbers of several key staff members you can call to ask questions and learn more about the many opportunities that we have available.

Photo of the publication cover. Ebola Infographic Ebola Virus Disease - Marketing October 17, 2014

Infographic that explains the basics about the Ebola virus disease.

Ebola Infografía

Photo of the publication cover. Silicosis in New Mexico Infographic Occupational Health Surveillance - Marketing July 11, 2014

This infographic illustrates that New Mexico has historically high rates of silicosis because of mining. However, not all silicosis in the state is mine-related. It clearly shows the relative comparison of deaths from or with silicosis by industry between mining, construction, or other industries. It goes on to explain that silicosis is a preventable occupational lung disease that is caused by breathing in dusts containing crystalline silica and more.

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