The New Mexico Newborn Bloodspot Program will begin distribution of the NEW specimen collection card on Monday March 3rd.
Doula Frequently Asked Questions
This list of frequently asked questions explains about the virus, how people get infected, how it is transmitted, symptoms, treatment, and what to do if you get bitten by a mosquito.
This extremely helpful document answers many frequently asked questions about work-related asthma. It explains what work-related asthma is, the health effects related to asthma, what the symptoms are, what causes it, which workers can get it, what you can do if you think you have work-related asthma, and provides a number of helpful website resource links so you can learn more and protect yourself from work-related asthma.
RHCPTC Definition of Eligible Practitioners
Pursuant to the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH)’s Rural Health Care Practitioner Tax Credit Program, eligible health care practitioners who have provided health care services in a designated rural health care underserved area can apply for an income tax credit.
Some Imported Products Contain Lead
El Plomo En Los Campos de Tiro
Vajillas de Barro Pueden Contener Plomo
List of Documents Acceptable in creating a Delayed Birth Registration
NMSIIS Provider and EHR Information Sheet – 2023
Hl7 Data Submission and Data Quality
NMSIIS Automated Data Exchange Transmission Guide
NMSIIS HL7 Error and Troubleshooting Guide
This helpful fact sheet explains what tuberculosis is, how it is transmitted, how to isolate it, treatment, administering effective treatment, contact investigations, court ordered therapy, and more.