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Healthy Living

Childhood Obesity Is a Major Public Health Problem September 14, 2016 - Healthy Kids Healthy Communities - Healthy Living

It is a problem that weighs heavily on New Mexico – literally. Rates of obesity remain high for adults and children alike in New Mexico. « read more »

Healthy Habits Mean Healthy Eyes August 24, 2016 - Public Relations - Healthy Living

This one goes out to everyone who wakes up, like me, with blurry vision. I’ve worn glasses since I was a kid, and like many of you, not a lot can happen in my day until I put those things on. Same is true for those of you who wear contact lenses. « read more »

Breaking This Habit is a Lifesaver May 25, 2016 - Nicotine Cessation - Healthy Living

I’ve noticed it; you probably have too. One of the most common tips offered this weekly column are about maintaining or improving our health is the benefits of not starting to smoke, and if you do smoke: quit. Just quit. Quitting is far easier said than done. I’ve watched friends and family stru... « read more »

Be a Healthy Valentine February 10, 2016 - Public Relations - Healthy Living

Valentine’s Day is all about love, and what better way to make the love in our lives last than loving our health? Think of how many times have you heard the advice ‘you can’t love someone else until you love yourself’? Loving ourselves isn’t just about having good self-esteem; it’s abou... « read more »

The Importance of Good Dental Health February 3, 2016 - Dental and Oral Health - Healthy Living

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and the New Mexico Department of Health is encouraging parents to help their children develop good oral health and eating habits at an early age. « read more »

Be One in a Million for Heart Month February 3, 2016 - EMS Stroke/STEMI - Healthy Living

February is American Heart Month, and with good reason – not so much because of Valentine’s Day – but because of what makes us all tick: the human heart. « read more »