Policies, Protocols & Procedures
New Mexico Childcare/Pre-School/School Entry Immunization Requirements. New Mexico School Nurses are granted Public Health authority by the NM Secretary of Health for collecting and submitting immunization information.
School & Daycare Immunization Requirements 2020-2021 (Spanish)
New Mexico Childcare/Pre-School/School Entry Immunization Requirements. New Mexico School Nurses are granted Public Health authority by the NM Secretary of Health for collecting and submitting immunization information
New Mexico Childcare/Pre-School/School Entry Immunization Requirements. New Mexico School Nurses are granted Public Health authority by the NM Secretary of Health for collecting and submitting immunization information
New Mexico Childcare/Pre-School/School Entry Immunization Requirements. New Mexico School Nurses are granted Public Health authority by the NM Secretary of Health for collecting and submitting immunization information