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Photo of the publication cover. Pandemic Coronavirus Operational Plan Health Emergency Management - Plan May 20, 2020

It is the purpose of this plan to define the actions and roles necessary to provide a coordinated response within the State of New Mexico. This plan provides information for NMDOH with a general concept of potential emergency assignments.

Photo of the publication cover. Pandemic Influenza Operational Plan Health Emergency Management - Plan May 20, 2020

A pandemic has the potential to result in large numbers of deaths (estimated between 20,000-25,000 deaths in New Mexico), overwhelming the New Mexico’s mortuary resources, including morgue capacity, medical investigative and forensic personnel, and services available for disposition of bodies. A pandemic is highly likely to produce large numbers of sick people that require care at the same time.

Photo of the publication cover. All-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan Health Emergency Management - Plan November 6, 2014

This plan establishes the basis for coordination of DOH resources and response to provide public health and medical services during an emergency or disaster. The fundamental assumption is that a significant emergency or disaster may overwhelm the capability of the local government or the healthcare system to carry out operations necessary to save lives and protect public health.