Real-time alerts for Person-centered support safety and wellness
The next technology spotlight event from New Mexico's Developmental Disability and Supports Division is being held on March 6, 2024. The March Technology Spotlight series will begin with a spotlight on a person supported by technology in New Mexico from the Technology Task Force. Next, we will be joined by a team from AbleLink Smart Living Technology for a technology demonstration
The next technology spotlight event from New Mexico's Developmental Disability and Supports Division is being held on March 6, 2024. The March Technology Spotlight series will begin with a spotlight on a person supported by technology in New Mexico from the Technology Task Force. Next, we will be joined by a team from AbleLink Smart Living Technology for a technology demonstration
Review of Floreo Virtual Reality
The next technology spotlight event from New Mexico's Developmental Disability and Supports Division is being held on March 6, 2024. The March Technology Spotlight series will begin with a spotlight on a person supported by technology in New Mexico from the Technology Task Force. Next, we will be joined by a team from AbleLink Smart Living Technology for a technology demonstration
Statewide Case Management Director's Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Smart Living Desktop Software Overview
Smart Living Mobile Apps Overview
AbleLink Smart Living Technologies - March 2024
The next technology spotlight event from New Mexico's Developmental Disability and Supports Division is being held on March 6, 2024. The March Technology Spotlight series will begin with a spotlight on a person supported by technology in New Mexico from the Technology Task Force. Next, we will be joined by a team from AbleLink Smart Living Technology for a technology demonstration
Electronic Caregiver Presentation - February 2024
DDW Case Management Director’s Meeting Summary - 01/19/2023
DDW Case Management Director’s Meeting Summary - 07/10/2023
DDW Case Management Director’s Meeting Summary - 10/19/2023
The next technology spotlight event from New Mexico's Developmental Disability and Supports Division is being held on February 7, 2024. The January Technology Spotlight series will begin with a technology service example from the Technology Task Force. The Task Force will also reveal a new Technology Resource Page on the DDSD website.
On October 4, 2023 the Division will host a Technology First Kickoff. This will be the first in a series of virtual events to provide awareness and education from technology vendors, national technology leaders, and individuals and providers in New Mexico benefiting from enabling technology.
The next technology spotlight event from New Mexico's Developmental Disability and Supports Division is being held on November 1st, 2023. After a successful and informative launch to the spotlight series in October, we're pleased to spotlight two important topics in November. The event will start by highlighting the process for acquiring technology through New Mexico's waiver system. Next, Kendra Seavey from Care.Coach will showcase their innovative technology solutions.
The next technology spotlight event from New Mexico's Developmental Disability and Supports Division is being held on December 6th, 2023. The December Technology Spotlight series will begin with a review of an exciting new tool that is available in New Mexico,
Kick Off for Technology Spotlight Series and Community of Practice - 10/05/2023