This two-sided informational brochure explains what asthma and work-related asthma are, cleaning products, workers exposed to cleaners, symptoms, seeing your doctor, and how to practice safe cleaning.
This infographic illustrates that New Mexico has historically high rates of silicosis because of mining. However, not all silicosis in the state is mine-related. It clearly shows the relative comparison of deaths from or with silicosis by industry between mining, construction, or other industries. It goes on to explain that silicosis is a preventable occupational lung disease that is caused by breathing in dusts containing crystalline silica and more.
This infographic is explains about lead exposure and illness in adults and illustrates what the Occupational Health Surveillance Program does including case management services, works with healthcare providers to determine sources of lead, collects data and additional information, and collaborates with OSHA. It also explains how work-related illnesses are tracked.
This infographic is explains about mesothelioma in the workplace in New Mexico and explains that exposure to asbestos fibers is the primary risk factor in developing mesothelioma, provides a list of occupations with risk of asbestos exposure, states the typical timeframe between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma diagnosis, and provides the protocol and decision tree used.