This fact sheet answers frequently asked questions about Hantavirus including what it is, what the symptoms are, how it spreads, how long people are contagious, what treatments are available, and how to protect yourself from the virus.
This is a fact sheet about childhood obesity in the State of New Mexico.
This is a fact sheet about adult cigarette smoking in the State of New Mexico.
This document describes how to modify your web browser settings to temporarily regain access to the DHI provider search and online incident reporting web applications.
This fact sheet helps explain suicide including what it is, how it affects health, who is at risk, how we can prevent it, and where you can learn more.
Intake & Eligibility: Allocation Glossary
Autism Flexible Services: Program Fact Sheet
Hoja Informativa Del Programa De Servicios Flexibles De Autismo
Occupational Therapy: Common Acronyms
This is a patient information leaflet about Naloxone (Narcan) for intra-nasal use.
This helpful document explains how what causes an overdose, how to recognize an overdose, what to do if an overdose occurs, how to perform rescue breathing, how to administer naloxone, overdose myths, and more.
Prevención de Sobredosis y Rescate de Respiración en 20 Minutos o Menos
Checklist for Conducting Just In Time Training
Anthrax Ciprofolaxacin Instruction Sheet - Can be used for Reproduction and POD Client Handouts
Anthrax Doxycycline Instruction Sheet - Can be used for Reproduction and POD Client Handouts
This fact sheet explains how doctors, nurses, and childcare experts use screening to check on how children grow and develop.
This document provides information about non-opioid treatments for chronic pain.
This document provides an assessment of the benefits and harms of opioid therapy.
This document provides help with calculating total daily dose of opioids for safety.
This is a checklist for use when prescribing opioids for chronic pain.
This document provides guidelines for prescribing opioids for chronic pain.