This is a study to determine the current state of hand hygiene practices among EMS providers and to provide recommendations for improving practices in the emergency health services. This study demonstrated that EMS providers are potential vectors of microorganisms if proper hand hygiene is not performed properly.
This document describes the 2016 Recommendations of the Governor’s Prescription Drug Misuse and Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Advisory Council and are intended to solidify and expand on work that has been accomplished to date.
This document describes the bylaws for the Joint Organization on Education in EMS.
This is a sample lactation room letter.
This is a feeding plan for infants in child care.
Muestra de Plan de Alimentación Infantil Para Guarderías de Cuidado Infantil
This is a breastfeeding policy sample for child care centers.
Muestra de Normas de Lactancia Materna en una Guardería Infantil
This is a policy sample for the workplace.
These are ten steps to a baby-friendly workplace.
Dies Pasos Para las Guaderías Infantil Amistosos de la Lactancia
Time standards for submissions to the outside review. (CORE)
Seeking feedback on a new chapter structure and added content areas for DDW service standards.
Fiscal management for adult education opportunities.
Special instructions. (Supersedes 2017-04)
This document describes what Ketamine is and its use in the pre-hospital setting.
For New Mexican STEMI patients destined for fibrinolytic therapy, but at significant distance from a PCI center, it may be advantageous for EMS providers to initiate fibrinolysis in the field.
This document describes the feasibility for ultrasound deployment in the pre-hospital setting.
This document has information regarding spinal precautions and the use of the longboard in the pre-hospital setting.
Attendance at the statewide case management director’s meeting.
Discontinue the use of the Supports Intensity Scale assessment.
Change to prior authorization approval timeframe for supported living awake and outlier services.
Intake & Eligibility: Allocation Checklist