The New Mexico Health Care Authority, Medical Assistance Division (HCA/MAD) is issuing this Letter of Direction (LOD) to Manage Care Organizations (MCO) as guidance in implementing reimbursement to increase access to Community Health Workers (CHW) and Community Health Representatives (CHR) services in an outpatient setting starting July 1, 2023.
NMCHW Core Competency Blue Wheel.
New Fingerprinting Service Provider IdentoGO FAQs May 2023
Proclamation - NM CHW Month
Save the Date - 2022 NMDOH CHW Statewide Conference
Presbyterian Community Health - May 2022 Spanish CHW Training
This document represents the full range of what Community Health Workers can do, recognizes that they may perform all or some of these roles depending on their job, reflects the input of NM Community Health Workers Employers, and the results of NM & national CHW workforce studies.
This document explains in detail the benefits of certification.