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Photo of the publication cover. Hep A Health Alert Network Advisory (2019-02-20) Hepatitis Prevention - General March 20, 2019

The NMDOH has confirmed 40 acute hepatitis A virus infections in Bernalillo County. The outbreak has primarily affected people who report drug use and those who are currently experiencing homelessness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments are investigating hepatitis A outbreaks in multiple states among persons reporting drug use and/or homelessness and their contacts. To avoid a large-scale outbreak in our communities the NMDOH is issuing this HAN to advise clinicians.

Photo of the publication cover. Hep A Handwashing Informational Flyer Hepatitis Prevention - General November 30, 2018

This flyer features helpful tips and the importance of handwashing to prevent hepatitis A.

Hep A Lávese los manos

Photo of the publication cover. Hep A Health Alert Network Advisory (2019-11-08) Hepatitis Prevention - General November 30, 2018

This document covers information regarding Acute Hepatitis A Virus Infections in People Who Inject Drugs and Persons Experiencing Homelessness.