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Photo of the publication cover. Overdose/Naloxone 3 Hour Training Curriculum (Old) Harm Reduction - General August 3, 2011

This curriculum is old and is only available for historical purposes.

Photo of the publication cover. Effects of Varying Concentrations of Bleach on in vitro HIV-1 Replication & Relevance to Injection Drug Use Harm Reduction - General August 3, 2011

The use of bleach as a disinfectant for drug injection equipment in the intravenous-drug-using population was recommended early in the HIV-1/AIDS epidemic. Epidemiological studies have challenged the use of bleach as an effective measure to prevent HIV-1 transmission.

Photo of the publication cover. Why NMDOH Does Not Recommend the Use of Bleach to Clean Syringes Harm Reduction - General August 3, 2011

In recent ECHO discussion, the question of using household bleach to clean syringes was discussed. The NMDOH Harm Reduction Program does not recommend the use of bleach to clean syringes in order for syringes to be reā€used. The recommendation is that participants use a new syringe for each shot.

Photo of the publication cover. Hypochlorite (1%) is Inefficient in Decontaminating Blood Containing Hypodermic Needles Harm Reduction - General August 3, 2011

Infectious biomedical waste and sharps have a potential hazard of transmission of pathogens. Among sharps, used needles form a major share and disinfection by 1 % hypochlorite is recommended in biomedical waste management rules of India. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of hypochlorite for the decontamination of needles.

Photo of the publication cover. HIV Risk Reduction in Injection Drug Users Harm Reduction - General August 3, 2011

Infectious biomedical waste and sharps have a potential hazard of transmission of pathogens. Among sharps, used needles form a major share and disinfection by 1 % hypochlorite is recommended in biomedical waste management rules of India. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of hypochlorite for the decontamination of needles.