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Independent Informal Dispute Resolution


The Division of Health Improvement (DHI) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DHI updates.

ImageThe Independent Informal Dispute Resolution (IIDR) process applies to Medicare funded skilled nursing facilities or a dually (Medicare and Medicaid) participating Skilled Nursing Facility/Nursing Facility (SNF/NF).

The New Mexico State survey agency, in accordance with sections 1819(h)(2)(B)(ii)(IV) and 1919(h)(2)(B)(ii)(IV) of the Social Security Act (the Act), regulations at 42 CFR §488.331 and §488.431 and the State Operations Manual section 7213, will provide the opportunity to participate in an IIDR when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services imposes a civil money penalty against a Medicare-participating SNF or a dually (Medicare and Medicaid) participating SNF/NF and the penalty will be collected and placed in an escrow account pending a final administrative decision.

The IIDR Process only applies to Medicare funded Nursing Facilities and Skilled Nursing facilities which have had a Federal Civil Monetary Penalty imposed.

Please read our Independent Informal Dispute Resolution Policy & Procedures for full details on the process. You'll then need to fill out the Independent Informal Dispute Resolution Request Form to get the process started.