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Health Facility Dispute Resolution Process


The Division of Health Improvement (DHI) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DHI updates.

All health facilities have the right the dispute the findings of a survey which results in intermediate sanctions. The type of dispute resolution process available depends on the type of health facility.

Intermediate Sanctions

Measures imposed on a facility for violations of applicable licensing laws and regulations other than license revocation, suspension, denial of license renewal, or loss of certification.

A list of intermediate sanctions include the following.

  • Directed Plan of Correction
  • Facility Monitors
  • Temporary Management
  • Restricted Admissions or Provision of Services
  • Reduction of Licensed Capacity
  • Civil Monetary Penalty

Hearing Requests

All health facilities have the right to the request the following.

  • A formal hearing to dispute the results of a survey which results in intermediate sanctions.
  • An informal review of their survey findings.

NOTE: The type of dispute resolution process available depends on the type of health facility. Please continue reading below to deterime the correct process for each particular facility type.

Informal Dispute Resolution

An assisted living facility, nursing home, or home health agency may request a hearing by using Informal Dispute Resolution (IDR).

Independent Informal Dispute Resolution

A Medicare funded Skilled Nursing facilities or a dually (Medicare and Medicaid) participating SNF/NF may request a hearing by using Independent Informal Dispute Resolution (IIDR).