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Home News Framework for Crisis Triage Centers
Paul Rhien
505-470-2290 Office

Framework for Crisis Triage Centers

November 27, 2018 - Health Improvement - Information

New rules close the gap betwe­­­en outpatient and acute care

The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) has announced new regulations and licensing requirements for crisis triage centers. This new type of health facility is designed to help individuals who voluntarily admit themselves to stabilize their behavioral health incidents. Crisis triage centers will provide emergency behavioral health evaluations, as well as outpatient and short-term residential services. This new framework helps close the gap between the needs of patients with outpatient and acute care needs.

"Crisis triage centers will be an important safety net link to crisis intervention in New Mexico for years to come,” said Department of Health Cabinet Secretary Lynn Gallagher. “These will be locally based facilities providing crisis substance abuse and behavioral health services custom fit to the needs of their community.”

The rules and regulations fulfill legislation passed by the New Mexico Legislature and signed by Governor Susana Martinez earlier this year. The legislation required NMDOH’s Division of Health Improvement, which licenses health facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes, to ensure compliance with both state and federal requirements.

Community-based behavioral health providers will be able to establish licensed crisis triage centers designed to:

  • Offer youth (ages 14 and older) and adults outpatient and residential care services.
  • Provide emergency behavioral health triage and evaluation and may provide limited detoxification services from drugs or alcohol.
  • Manage residents at high risk of suicide or intentional self-harm.

For more information on the new crisis triage center regulations or the (NMDOH) Division of Health Improvement, visit the Health Improvement page.

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact Paul Rhien at 505-470-2290 (Office) with your questions.

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Estructura para los Protocolos de Intervención en los Centros de Crisis