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Home News Tuberculosis Tests for Patients Possibly Exposed at an El Paso Hospital
David Morgan
575-528-5197 Office
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Tuberculosis Tests for Patients Possibly Exposed at an El Paso Hospital

September 22, 2014 - Public Relations - Information

The New Mexico Department of Health announced today it is providing tuberculosis screening to approximately 50 New Mexico babies who may have been exposed to a hospital employee with an active case of Tuberculosis (TB) in the post-partum and newborn nursery area of Providence Hospital in El Paso, Texas between September 2013 and August 2014.

There are two TB related conditions: active infectious TB disease and non-contagious TB infection. Active infectious TB disease is contagious and may be transmitted to others when someone with an active case coughs or sneezes, releasing droplets into the air. However, active infectious TB is not highly contagious and generally requires close contact over an extended period of time in order to be spread. Someone with non-contagious TB infection cannot spread germs to others, and therefore, are not contagious.

The El Paso Department of Public Health, the lead agency handling the investigation, has sent letters to parents informing them of possible exposure. The New Mexico Department of Health will provide screening tests for the New Mexico babies who may have come in contact with the hospital worker. If treatment is required, the New Mexico Department of Health will provide that as well.

Testing will consist of a TB skin test and possibly additional testing if needed. The New Mexico Department of Health will be offering your baby a skin test on Tuesday, September 23rd at Sunland Park Public Health Office and Wednesday, September 24th at the Anthony Public Health Office. People in Las Cruces can contact the Las Cruces Public Health Office at 575-528-5108 to get tested.

If your baby was born at Providence Hospital in El Paso between September 2013 and August 2014, and is experiencing lethargy, change of mental status, weight loss, go to your closest emergency department.

For information contact the El Paso Department of Public Health at 915-771-5702. They will be taking calls Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm to schedule tests. Additional information can be obtained by the on-call Epidemiologist at the New Mexico Department of Health at 1-833-796-8773.

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact David Morgan at 575-528-5197 (Office) or 575-649-0754 (Mobile) with your questions.

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Pruebas de Detección de Tuberculosis para Los Pacientes Posiblemente Expuestos en un Hospital de El Paso