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Home News NMDOH Recognized for Quality Improvement
David Morgan
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NMDOH Recognized for Quality Improvement

The New Mexico Department of Health announced that it has received two awards for quality improvement. The New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute (NMBHI) in Las Vegas and the Health Facility Licensing and Certification Bureau were recently recognized by HealthInsight New Mexico at an event in Albuquerque with the “Shining Stars: Celebrating Commitment to Quality” awards.

The event recognized participants and partners in quality improvement activities in New Mexico hospitals, nursing homes, physician offices, pharmacies and in select communities in the state working on improving care transitions. The event also gave an overview of project and partner achievements, successes and best practices in New Mexico’s health care communities. A variety of storyboards were provided by participants, which showcased their activities and results in quality improvement.

Behavioral Health Institute staff presented on the successful effort to have Meadows Home, NMBHI’s long-term care facility, recognized as one of the first five facilities in New Mexico to be certified as restraint-free.

“Over the course of just a few years, our team has successfully replaced outdated equipment for patient care and created a person-centered environment where residents function freely at their highest level,” said Department of Health Secretary Retta Ward, MPH. “I am proud of the New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute’s efforts. The staff has improved the quality of life for long term care patients for years to come.”

The Division of Health Improvement’s Health Facility Licensing and Certification Bureau, the state survey agency that monitors compliance, was recognized for its collaborative role in supporting improved quality care in New Mexico nursing homes. Statewide efforts included: participation in the development of restraint-free initiatives and reduction in the use of unnecessary antipsychotic medications; provider education related to pressure ulcer reduction/elimination as well as physical restraint reduction/elimination; and extensive provider education about the Minimum Data Set (MDS), which are the federal documents for quality improvement and reimbursement.

“The dedicated staff members of these organizations participating with HealthInsight New Mexico are to be congratulated on their hard work, adaptability and commitment to providing high quality health care,” said Margy Wienbar, HealthInsight New Mexico executive director. “Thanks to their efforts, more patients are receiving a higher standard of care so they can maintain or regain good health.”

HealthInsight New Mexico is the state’s premier and independent health care consulting organization dedicated to the facilitation of positive changes in the delivery of health care.

For more information on the New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute visit the New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute section of our website.

The Health Insight New Mexico website offers additional information about its work in health care quality improvement.

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact David Morgan at 575-528-5197 (Office) or 575-649-0754 (Mobile) with your questions.

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