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Home News New Mexico launches Safe Sleep campaign to address sudden unexpected infant deaths
David Barre
(505) 699-9237 Office

New Mexico launches Safe Sleep campaign to address sudden unexpected infant deaths

August 1, 2023 - Health Promotion - Awareness

SANTA FE – New Mexico state agencies collaborate on an expansive Safe Sleep New Mexico campaign to support and educate parents and caregivers on the importance of safe sleep practices for babies to reduce the incidence of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID).  

SUID is one of the leading causes of infant mortality in New Mexico and the nation. In 2020-2021, 43 babies died due to SUID before their first birthday, accounting for 19.7% of all infant deaths in New Mexico. These deaths often happen during sleep or in the baby's sleep area and are frequently caused by accidental suffocation due to unsafe sleep factors, such as being placed to sleep on their stomach, sharing an adult bed, sleeping on a couch, sleeping in a car seat or with soft toys or bedding, all of which puts all infants at risk, making this a statewide concern. 

The Safe Sleep New Mexico campaign will focus on outreach and education to expand community-based promotion of safe sleep practices and promote resources to improve safe sleep environments. 

“All New Mexico families should be aware of the risks and ways to prevent sleep related deaths and keep their loved ones safe. This gives babies the best chance to thrive during their first year and beyond," said New Mexico Department of Health Secretary Patrick Allen.   

“Parents want to do what they can to keep their babies safe,” said Early Childhood Education & Care Department Cabinet Secretary Elizabeth Groginsky. “That’s why we’re taking a multi-targeted approach to ensure families, community organizations, and medical and early childhood professionals have the knowledge needed about sleep. Families can practice safe sleep by remembering their ABCs: their baby should sleep Alone, on their Back, and in a Crib or bassinet without soft toys, pillows, bumpers, or blankets.” 

“These deaths are unimaginably tragic, and preventable. We are doing everything we can to make sure families of newborns are aware that safe sleep saves lives. Informing parents about protective practices for babies drives down rates of mortality, plain and simple.” said Acting Secretary for Children, Youth and Family Services Department, Teresa Casados.

Through the Safe Sleep New Mexico campaign, the state is responding with concrete measures designed to ensure the health and safety of infants. Safe sleep education campaigns have been shown to significantly improve practices around sleep and infant care, which can reduce rates of infant mortality. 

The Safe Sleep New Mexico campaign was developed by the New Mexico Department of Health, in collaboration with the Early Childhood Education & Care Department, the Children, Youth & Families Department and numerous community partners. For more information visit


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