NDLM was created by Donate Life America and its partnering organizations in 2003. The month brings opportunities for local, regional and national activities to help encourage people to register as organ, eye and tissue donors. It’s also a chance to celebrate those that have saved lives through th... « read more »
New Mexico’s Chronic Disease Prevention Council has launched a new website and campaign to help raise awareness about the difficulty of living with multiple chronic diseases. The council is a multidisciplinary body of experts, with representation from the Department of Health, seeking to reduce c... « read more »
Arthritis is the most common cause of disability in adults, limiting our ability to walk, climb stairs or exercise. But the Department of Health and its partners are working to change that with the Manage Your Chronic Disease (My CD) Program. « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health in collaboration with the Public Education Department work year round to promote public health in New Mexico schools. Tuesday, April 7th is national Healthy Schools Day. « read more »