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Home Divisions Public Health Infectious Disease Bureau Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention

Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program


Photo of the publication cover. Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG) Reporting Form Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention - Form August 9, 2022

Please complete this information on every newborn receiving hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG).

Photo of the publication cover. CDC Interim guidance to prevent mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus during COVID-19-related disruption Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention - Guide April 29, 2020

CDC Interim guidance to prevent mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus during COVID-19-related disruptions in routine preventive services

Photo of the publication cover. Developing Admission Orders to Prevent Hepatitis B Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention - Policies, Protocols & Procedures May 25, 2017

The guidelines in this document were developed to help hospitals establish policies and standing orders in their labor and delivery and newborn units to Prevent Hepatitis B Virus Transmission.

Photo of the publication cover. Perinatal Hepatitis B-HBIG Schedule Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention - Help April 13, 2017

Summary of infant schedules for hepatitis B vaccine.

Photo of the publication cover. Hepatitis B Serology Interpretation Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention - Help April 13, 2017

Interpretation of the hepatitis B panel.

Photo of the publication cover. Hepatitis B Sample Hospital Standing Orders Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention - Help August 12, 2009

Standing orders based on CDC recommendations.