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Children’s Medical Services


State agencies collaborate with UNM Hospital to offer universal nursing visits for newborns and their families December 7, 2022 - Children's Medical Services - Awareness

The New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) and the Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) collaborate with UNM Hospital to provide a universally offered nurse home visit for all newborns and their caregivers beginning three weeks postpartum.  This multiagency collaboration will hav... « read more »

Department of Health Recognizes ‘Newborn Screening Awareness Month’ September 5, 2017 - Children's Medical Services - Awareness

The New Mexico Department of Health recognizes September as ‘Newborn Screening Awareness Month’ and encourages all new parents in New Mexico to visit with their healthcare provider about how comprehensive screening tests at birth can protect the health of their newborn. « read more »

Heart Disease Screening for Newborns July 28, 2014 - Children's Medical Services - Information

The New Mexico Department of Health and the New Mexico Chapter of the March of Dimes announced today that all New Mexico hospitals will implement screening all newborns for Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD). Some hospitals are already screening for CCHD and the other remaining hospitals are p... « read more »