Opioid Safety
Be Safe, Prevent Tragedy
ONLY take as prescribed
Prescription opioids are very powerful medicines that can put you at risk even if used correctly. Reduce your risk of addiction and overdose by taking your prescription exactly as prescribed.
NEVER take more than prescribed
Taking more pills than prescribed at one time, or taking a higher dosage than prescribed, can put you at risk for an overdose.
If possible, consider alternatives to prescription opioids, such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, medical cannabis, or other methods. Ask your doctor about alternatives to managing pain in combination with prescription opioids.
Never Mix Opioids
ALWAYS follow warning labels, especially regarding mixing opioids with downers
- Taking prescription opioids with alcohol and/or benzodiazepines (like Xanax®) can slow your breathing and heart rate to dangerous levels.
- Alcohol in your bloodstream can lead to faster absorption of the opioid and cause an overdose.
Naloxone Saves Lives
Even when using opioids as prescribed, there are still risks of an overdose. Naloxone can save lives in these moments.
What is naloxone?
Naloxone (Narcan®) is a nasal spray that can rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
How do I get naloxone?
Talk to your pharmacist or doctor about naloxone and protect yourself and your loved ones from an accidental overdose.
What should I do with naloxone?
- Keep it in an obvious place, like a first aid kit or medicine cabinet.
- Make sure to review the instructions that come from your provider or the instructions on the packaging.
- Ensure those around you know when and how to use naloxone.