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Emergency Medical Services Trauma Care Program


Photo of the publication cover. EMS Trauma Registry Data Dictionary EMS Trauma Care Program - Help May 20, 2015

This is the data dictionary for the emergency medical services trauma registry.

Appendix A: List of Transport Agency Codes

Photo of the publication cover. EMS Trauma Registry Criteria for Inclusion & Exclusion EMS Trauma Care Program - Policies, Protocols & Procedures March 12, 2015

This document provides the criteria for inclusion in and exclusion from the emergency medical services trauma registry.

Photo of the publication cover. EMS Trauma Hospital Reporting Form EMS Trauma Care Program - Form October 1, 2014

This form should be used by emergency medical services hospitals to report community outreach and prevention activities.

Photo of the publication cover. EMS Trauma Registry Username & Password Request Form EMS Trauma Care Program - Form February 25, 2014

This form should be used to request a username and password for the emergency medical services trauma registry.

Photo of the publication cover. EMS Trauma Center Map EMS Trauma Care Program - General October 8, 2013

This is a map of emergency medical services trauma centers in New Mexico.

Photo of the publication cover. EMS Trauma Registry Data Sharing Policy EMS Trauma Care Program - Policies, Protocols & Procedures November 9, 2010

This is the data sharing policy for the emergency medical services trauma registry.