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Home News Belen Public Health Office Hosts Immunization Clinic
David Morgan
575-528-5197 Office
575-649-0754 Mobile

Belen Public Health Office Hosts Immunization Clinic

July 14, 2017 - Immunization - Vaccination

Photo of the location.The New Mexico Department of Health’s Belen Public Health Office, located at 617 Becker will be hosting a back-to-school immunization clinic on the following dates:

  • Saturday, July 29; 10am-2pm
  • Tuesday, August 1;  4pm-7pm
  • Thursday, August 3; 4pm–7pm
  • Friday, August 4; 8:30am-4pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
  • Saturday, August 5; 10am-2pm
  • Tuesday, August 8; 8:30am-4pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
  • Wednesday August 9; 8:30am -4pm (closed lunch 12pm-1pm)
  • Thursday, August 10; 4pm-7pm
  • Friday, August 11; 8:30am-4pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
  • Saturday, August 12; 10am – 2pm
  • Tuesday, August 15; 8:30am-4pm (closed for lunch 12pm-pm)
  • Wednesday, August 16; 8:30am-4pm (closed for lunch 12pm-pm)

The immunization clinics are open to the public and immunizations will be administered at no cost. Parents should bring a copy of their child’s shot record and their insurance card, including Medicaid, with them.

The special clinics are part of the Got Shots? immunization campaign. The New Mexico Department of Health, the New Mexico Immunization Coalition, the New Mexico Primary Care Association, and healthcare providers from across the state are partnering again to host immunization clinics around the state from July 29 through August 12 for children 18 years old and younger.  

Parents should be aware that their children need to be up-to-date on their immunizations to enroll in school each year. Got Shots? provides a great opportunity to get your child up to date!

For questions about the back-to-school immunization clinic or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Belen Public Health Office at 505-864-7743 for a listing of other clinic locations participating in the Got Shots? campaign visit the Immunization section of our website.

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact David Morgan at 575-528-5197 (Office) or 575-649-0754 (Mobile) with your questions.

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La Oficina de Salud Pública de Belén Organiza Clínica de Vacunación