Today the New Mexico Department of Health and Project ECHO announced a new collaborative effort to treat tuberculosis patients in New Mexico. Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) utilizes telementoring and knowledge sharing to build primary care capacity to treat complex condit... « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health announced today that childhood obesity rates among New Mexico 3rd grade students continue to decline, with a 20 percent decrease since 2010. In 2010, 22.6 percent of 3rd grade students were obese, compared to 18.1 percent in 2014. Also, for the first time since t... « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health is working on an exercise to meet Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to ensure New Mexico is prepared to respond to a public health emergency. The main portion of the exercise will take place at University of New Mexico’s Johnson Center and w... « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health announced today it has compiled vaccine exemption data for each public school district in the state. The data is for the 2014 – 2015 school year. The Department of Health is making a commitment to update vaccine exemption data by school district each year. « read more »
The New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute announced today it has gone through its triennial voluntary accreditation and certification survey and received the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for Hospital, Nursing Care, Behavioral Health and Laboratory Accreditation. « read more »
Independence is an important issue for seniors and their families. We all remember how we felt when we were younger and moved out of our parents’ home. That feeling of independence was huge for establishing confidence and self-management as young adults, but for a growing number of New Mexico seni... « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health is concerned that the number of vaccine exemptions among school-aged children increased again in 2014. An increase in vaccination exemptions can increase the risk for outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles. « read more »
The New Mexico Department of Health announced how it plans to utilize a nearly $2 million grant awarded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as part of the State Innovation Model Initiative. New Mexico will use the funds to design a plan to enhance patient experience of care, reduce h... « read more »