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Home News Celebrating and Preparing for Our Golden Years
David Morgan
575-528-5197 Office
575-649-0754 Mobile

Celebrating and Preparing for Our Golden Years

Photo of a confident and healthy looking senior woman.

As we get older, living on your own and taking care of ourselves can get harder. Even the simple tasks can eventually become challenges.

Sure, we’re all getting older, but that’s truer here in New Mexico than in most US states. By 2030, the US Census Bureau estimates one-in-four New Mexicans will be 65 years and older. We are one of just six states expected to have that large percentage of a senior population.

February marks National Senior Independence Month – a time to focus on what it takes for all of us as we grow older to maintain the quality of life we lead daily.

Independence is an important issue for seniors and their families. We all remember how we felt when we were younger and moved out of our parents’ home. That feeling of independence was huge for establishing confidence and self-management as young adults, but for a growing number of New Mexico seniors, they can experience growing difficult, challenging living circumstances.

Challenging, however, doesn’t mean impossible! National Senior Independence Month is all about making that point as well as making us think about where we are now in our stage of life – or well we will all soon be.

Provides a clear and focused approach to meet the complex social, medical and behavioral needs of a burgeoning older population.

“Maintaining senior independence is one of our primary goals,” said Gino Rinaldi, Cabinet Secretary of New Mexico’s Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD). “All of us want to live independent, high-quality lives, regardless our age, and we offer a variety of programs that support that.”

The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) says the key for us to avoid accidents as we grow older is to stay active. Exercise regularly. It is important that the exercises focus on increasing leg strength and improving balance, and that they get more challenging over time. Tai Chi programs are especially good.

Also, mild strength training—with and without weights—can help strengthen your muscles, joints and bones, making it less likely that you will fall or become injured from a fall, and walking is one of the easiest exercises you can do, and it comes with many benefits, including improved balance, strength and endurance.

ALTSD also recommends EnhanceFitness, an evidence-based exercise program which is appropriate for all levels of fitness, as one resource for maintaining fitness. The program is offered in Las Cruces at the Munson Senior Center.

Safety in the Home

The National Council on Aging offers additional steps we all can take in our homes too.

Brighten Up

Check that every room is well lit, and make any lighting replacements where needed. Installing night-lights throughout the house—especially in dark corners and along staircases—can help improve nighttime visibility and prevent trips and falls over unseen objects.

Clear Clutter

Keep floors and walkways clear of unnecessary items, such as clothes, books, papers and trash. An alteration as simple as shifting the furniture can be valuable for those who may have balance or vision problems. Move any furniture, wiring or other obstructions, and make sure all pathways are clear enough to move freely without fear of harm.

Get a Grip

Install grab bars and handrails in the restrooms near the shower, bathtub and toilet. Using non-slip mats and placing double-sided tape under rugs can also help minimize slips.

Open Access

Everything should be easily accessible, including the refrigerator, cabinets, drawers, doors and shelving. Also, place items on the lower levels of shelves for easier reach.

Learn More

For more information on senior programs in Las Cruces, call the Munson Senior Center at 575-528-3000. You can visit the Aging and Long-Term Services website.

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact David Morgan at 575-528-5197 (Office) or 575-649-0754 (Mobile) with your questions.

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Celebrando y Preparándonos para Nuestros Años Dorados