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Home News First Human West Nile Virus Case in NM in 2014
David Morgan
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First Human West Nile Virus Case in NM in 2014

August 20, 2014 - Zoonotic Diseases - Disease

State Encourages New Mexicans to Protect Themselves from Mosquito Bites

The New Mexico Department of Health reports a 45-year-old woman from San Juan County has been diagnosed with West Nile Virus infection. She was not hospitalized and is at home recovering. This is the first human case of West Nile virus infection identified in New Mexico this year.

“In people, West Nile virus can cause flu-like symptoms such as fever, nausea, headache, and muscle aches,” said Department of Health Secretary Retta Ward, MPH. “If someone feels they have a flu-like illness and are feeling sick, they should see their health care provider. People older than 50 are at most risk for serious disease from West Nile virus and should be especially careful to avoid mosquito bites.”

Most people who become infected with West Nile virus have either no symptoms or have only mild symptoms. However a small percentage of people infected can develop meningitis or encephalitis. Meningitis is an infection of the lining around the brain, while encephalitis is an infection of the brain itself. Both of these can be fatal, especially in the elderly.

“With the continuing rainfall, mosquito populations can be expected to increase and there is the potential for West Nile cases in both people and horses throughout the state,” said Dr. Paul Ettestad, the Department’s public health veterinarian. New Mexico typically sees most of its West Nile virus cases in August and September.

Two horses have also been diagnosed with West Nile virus infection this year, one from Bernalillo County and one from San Juan County. Both horses had to be euthanized due to the seriousness of their illness.

You can minimize the risk for both human and horse cases of West Nile virus by eliminating water-holding containers where mosquitoes lay their eggs, such as old tires, as well as regularly changing the water in birdbaths, wading pools, and pets’ water bowls. Make sure rain barrels are tightly screened.

To further protect yourself against West Nile virus:

  • Use insect repellant on exposed skin and clothing when you go outdoors. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using insect repellants containing DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 for use on skin, and permethrin for use on clothing. Always follow label directions when using insect repellants.
  • When weather permits, wear protective clothing such as loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks.
  • Take extra care to use repellant and protective clothing or avoid outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, which are peak biting times for mosquitoes.
  • Keep windows and doors closed if not screened. If you leave your house doors or windows open, make sure the windows have screens that fit tightly and have no holes.

For horse owners:

  • Consult your veterinarian to ensure the current West Nile virus vaccination status of your horse.
  • Routinely apply horse-specific insect repellant on your horses.
  • Minimize horse exposure to mosquitoes during peak mosquito feeding periods at dawn and dusk.

In 2013, the New Mexico Department of Health identified 38 cases of West Nile Virus infection in people, including 3 fatalities.

For more information, including fact sheets in English and Spanish, about how to protect against West Nile virus, visit the West Nile Virus section of our website.

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact David Morgan at 575-528-5197 (Office) or 575-649-0754 (Mobile) with your questions.

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Primer Caso Humano del Virus del Nilo Occidental en NM en 2014