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Home News Sarah Flores-Sievers: Leading NM WIC in Service Innovation
Lealia Nelson
505-827-2184 Office

Sarah Flores-Sievers: Leading NM WIC in Service Innovation

February 25, 2020 - Public Relations - Blog

Sarah Flores-Sievers

Sarah Flores-Sievers is the Women Infant and Children (WIC) and Farmers Market Director for the New Mexico Department of Health. For 14 years (12 as director) she’s been busy working with local farmers and emerging technologies to better serve New Mexico families.

“I’m honored to be the voice of NM WIC at a National level,” says Sarah. “I vow to continue advocating for our participants and pushing our services through improvements in technology.”

A new cloud-based system provides Sarah’s team access to a regionwide data network, NMSOL (New Mexico—Success, Opportunity, Legendary) and MOSAIC. Working with Texas, Louisiana, Cherokee Nation, and Pueblo of Isleta, WIC now provides mobile services. This cost-sharing and saving solution ensures greater accessibility and consistency for WIC participants. For instance, services will soon be available at grocery stores, schools, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) offices.  

“I strive to keep our state WIC program at the forefront of service innovation through integration of the best existing technologies,” Sarah said.

Leveraging existing technologies and emerging ones (i.e. self-check-out and curbside pick-up) ensures participants have access to the same shopping opportunities as everyone else. The first of its kind Farmer’s Market mobile application will be available in 2021. This highly anticipated app replaces costly paper vouchers at NO COST to farmers or participants. It also lessens user frustration and fear of stigma for accessing services. With ongoing support from the Governor’s Hunger Task Force, vendors are responding positively.

An adventurer at heart, Sarah loves traveling with husband Fletcher and their pups. “Travel expands my understanding of the world and allows me to experience new cultures, along with their music and foods,” Sarah said. “It also makes me appreciate the place I call home.”

Sarah’s pride in New Mexico extends to her staff whom she calls “dedicated, compassionate, and hardworking.” On average, a WIC employee spends 17 years helping local families and making a substantial difference in their lives. WIC has 65 locations throughout the state and the staff are driven by NMDOH’s mission: to promote health and wellness, improve health outcomes, and assure safety net services for all people in New Mexico. Sarah and her WIC team are a credit to the Department of Health.

WIC is a federal program administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service, and NMDOH’s Public Health Division. To learn more about WIC in your area, visit:

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We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact Lealia Nelson at 505-827-2184 (Office) with your questions.

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Sarah Flores-Sievers: Dirigiendo NM WIC en Servicio de Innovación