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Home News New Mexico COVID-19 update: 384 new cases, totaling 514,901

New Mexico COVID-19 update: 384 new cases, totaling 514,901

Fourteen additional COVID-19 deaths, 7-Day positivity rate 4.8%

SANTA FE – New Mexico state health officials on Thursday announced 384 additional COVID-19 cases. Per the state Department of Health, the most recent cases are:

●       107 new cases in Bernalillo County

●       1 new case in Catron County

●       3 new cases in Chaves County

●       48 new cases in Cibola County

●       7 new cases in Colfax County

●       6 new cases in Curry County

●       17 new cases in Doña Ana County

●       9 new cases in Eddy County

●       10 new cases in Grant County

●       2 new cases in Guadalupe County

●       1 new case in Harding County

●       2 new cases in Hidalgo County

●       3 new cases in Lea County

●       1 new case in Lincoln County

●       4 new cases in Los Alamos County

●       20 new cases in McKinley County

●       8 new cases in Otero County

●       1 new case in Quay County

●       8 new cases in Rio Arriba County

●       4 new cases in Roosevelt County

●       32 new cases in Sandoval County

●       12 new cases in San Juan County

●       6 new cases in San Miguel County

●       45 new cases in Santa Fe County

●       2 new cases in Sierra County

●       1 new case in Socorro County

●       4 new cases in Taos County

●       3 new cases in Torrance County

●       16 new cases in Valencia County

●       1 new case among New Mexico Corrections Department inmates at the Penitentiary of New Mexico in Santa Fe County

The Department of Health on Thursday reported fourteen additional deaths in New Mexico related to COVID-19:

Nine recent deaths:

●       A male in his 50s from Bernalillo County. The individual was hospitalized and had underlying conditions.

●       A female in her 60s from Bernalillo County. The individual was hospitalized and had underlying conditions.

●       A male in his 90s from Bernalillo County. The individual was hospitalized.

●       A female in her 50s from Chaves County. The individual was hospitalized.

●       A male in his 80s from Chaves County. The individual had underlying conditions.

●       A male in his 40s from Lea County. The individual was hospitalized and had underlying conditions.

●       A male in his 80s from Luna County. The individual was hospitalized and had underlying conditions.

●       A male in his 60s from San Juan County. The individual was hospitalized.

●       A male in his 80s from San Juan County. The individual had underlying conditions.

Five* deaths > 30 days:

●       A male in his 50s from Bernalillo County. The individual was hospitalized.

●       A female in her 80s from Doña Ana County. The individual was hospitalized.

●       A male in his 60s from Grant County. The individual was hospitalized.

●       A female in her 90s from McKinley County. The individual was hospitalized and had underlying conditions.

●       A male in his 20s from San Juan County. The individual had underlying conditions.

The number of deaths of New Mexico residents related to COVID-19 is now 7,040.

*COVID related deaths are reported when a death certificate has been issued and some death certificates are delayed due to insufficient information.

The ten ZIP codes across the state with the most COVID-19 cases on Thursday, Mar. 10 are:

●       87114 - 21

●       87508 - 14

●       87124 - 13

●       87026 - 12

●       87121 - 11

●       87002 - 10

●       87111 - 10

●       87507 - 10

●       87004 - 9

●       87038 - 8

Daily case counts and test numbers are raw data based on information the state receives today - meaning data that has not yet been scrutinized to identify potential duplicates or late-arriving positives or negatives.  Including the above newly reported cases, New Mexico has now had a total of 514,901 COVID-19 cases:

●       Bernalillo County: 145,613

●       Catron County: 411

●       Chaves County: 21,297

●       Cibola County: 6,903

●       Colfax County: 2,411

●       Curry County: 12,513

●       De Baca County: 568

●       Doña Ana County: 62,492

●       Eddy County: 16,973

●       Grant County: 6,590

●       Guadalupe County: 1,097

●       Harding County: 81

●       Hidalgo County: 1,085

●       Lea County: 19,155

●       Lincoln County: 5,166

●       Los Alamos County: 2,686

●       Luna County: 6,674

●       McKinley County: 25,633

●       Mora County: 751

●       Otero County: 13,284

●       Quay County: 1,976

●       Rio Arriba County: 9,689

●       Roosevelt County: 4,976

●       Sandoval County: 33,153

●       San Juan County: 40,417

●       San Miguel County: 5,740

●       Santa Fe County: 27,949

●       Sierra County: 2,019

●       Socorro County: 3,780

●       Taos County: 5,272

●       Torrance County: 2,661

●       Union County: 778

●       Valencia County: 18,407

County totals are subject to change upon further investigation and determination of residency of individuals positive for COVID-19.

The Department of Health currently reports the following numbers of COVID-19 cases among individuals held by federal agencies at the following facilities:

●       Cibola County Correctional Center: 550

●       Otero County Federal Prison Facility: 620

●       Otero County Processing Center: 954

●       Torrance County Detention Facility: 445

The Department of Health currently reports the following numbers of COVID-19 cases among individuals held by the New Mexico Corrections Department at the following facilities:

●       Central New Mexico Correctional Facility in Valencia County: 487

●       Guadalupe County Correctional Facility: 373

●       Lea County Correctional Facility: 933

●       Northeast New Mexico Correctional Facility in Union County: 221

●       Northwest New Mexico Correctional Center in Cibola County: 187

●       Otero County Prison Facility: 589

●       Penitentiary of New Mexico in Santa Fe County: 276

●       Roswell Correctional Center: 369

●       Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility in Doña Ana County: 313

●       Springer Correctional Center in Colfax County: 271

●       Western New Mexico Correctional Facility in Cibola County: 113

As of today, there are 161 individuals hospitalized in New Mexico for COVID-19. This number may include individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 out of state but are currently hospitalized in New Mexico. This number does not include New Mexicans who tested positive for COVID-19 and may have been transferred to a hospital out of state.

As of today, there are 483,235 COVID-19 cases designated as having recovered by the New Mexico Department of Health.

The Department of Health will no longer include data from the Long-Term Care Facilities, effective immediately. This data continues to be tracked by the New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department and can be accessed here: COVID-19 LTC Resources | NM Aging & Long-Term Services (

Every New Mexican must work together to stem the spread of COVID-19. Wear a mask when in public and around others. If you are sick, stay home as much as possible.

New Mexicans who report symptoms of COVID-19 infection, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and/or loss of taste or smell should call their health care provider or the NMDOH COVID-19 hotline immediately (1-833-796-8773).

The Department of Health strongly encourages the following groups to get tested:

●       Symptomatic people displaying the COVID-19 symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and/or loss of taste or smell;

●       Asymptomatic people who are close contacts or household members of people in their infectious period who have already tested positive for the coronavirus;

●       Asymptomatic people who live or work in congregate settings such as long-term care facilities and group homes;

●       Patients who are scheduled for surgery and whose provider has advised them to get tested before the procedure.

New Mexicans who have non-health-related questions or concerns can also call 833-551-0518 or visit State of New Mexico, which is being updated regularly as a one-stop source for information for families, workers and others affected by and seeking more information about COVID-19.

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We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact Katy Diffendorfer at (Office) with your questions.

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Actualización de COVID-19 en Nuevo México: 384 casos nuevos, 514,901 en total