SANTA FE – To protect the privacy of New Mexicans participating in public vaccination events, and because vaccination is a medical procedure which falls under confidentiality, the Department of Health (DOH) is issuing new guidance for camera crews obtaining video or still camera footage for media... « read more »
Site allows New Mexicans to complete personal profiles with health conditions, receive notice when vaccine is available « read more »
Seventeen additional COVID-19 deaths SANTA FE – New Mexico state health officials on Sunday announced 1,033 additional COVID-19 cases. Per the state Department of Health, the most recent cases are: « read more »
Thirty-two additional COVID-19 deaths SANTA FE – New Mexico state health officials on Saturday announced 1,252 additional COVID-19 cases. Per the state Department of Health, the most recent cases are: « read more »
Twenty-five additional COVID-19 deaths SANTA FE – New Mexico state health officials on Friday announced 1,286 additional COVID-19 cases. Per the state Department of Health, the most recent cases are: « read more »