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Home News New Mexico Set to Open the Economy by July 1st
Matt Bieber
505-470-2290 Office

New Mexico Set to Open the Economy by July 1st

We Must Reach 60% in COVID-19 Vaccinations

SANTA FE – New Mexico state health officials urge New Mexicans to help reach 60% vaccination rate by June
17th so that New Mexico can open its economy fully without any limitations by July 1st. New Mexico is only
40,810 vaccines away from meeting this goal. COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and free. All New
Mexicans 16 and older are eligible for the vaccine.

State health officials have added numerous vaccination events around the state to assist in reaching this goal.
Go to and schedule your vaccine today.

Once you have been vaccinated, go to to opt-in to the Vax 2 the Max Sweepstakes. The Vax
2 the Max Sweepstakes is a statewide vaccination incentive program that will make available $10 million in
total prize money to New Mexicans who receive their COVID-19 vaccinations. Other prizes and awards will
also be awarded throughout the summer. The first drawing is set for Friday, June 18th. Four winners will each
receive $250,000, one winner per region. For further details on the Vax 2 the Max Sweepstakes, go to vax

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact Matt Bieber at 505-470-2290 (Office) with your questions.

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Nuevo Méxco Listo para Abrir su Economía para el 1ro de julio