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Home News REMINDER: Centers for Disease Control warns consumers about high blood lead levels in children potentially connected to cinnamon applesauce products
David Barre
(505) 699-9237 Office

REMINDER: Centers for Disease Control warns consumers about high blood lead levels in children potentially connected to cinnamon applesauce products

November 21, 2023 - Lead Poisoning Prevention - Alert

SANTA FE—As reported by media across the country, on November 13, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a Health Alert that it is investigating a possible link between three brands of recalled cinnamon applesauce products and high blood lead levels in children. Multiple states have reported potential cases to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  

Three companies have voluntarily recalled the following products, which have been tested and were found to contain extremely high levels of lead:  

  • WanaBana brand apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches  
  • Schnucks brand cinnamon applesauce pouches  
  • Weis brand cinnamon applesauce pouches  

The CDC urges medical professionals across the country to keep an eye out for cases of lead poisoning possibly linked to these products and to report cases to their local health authority.  

For more information, please see the CDC’s Health Alert.  

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We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact David Barre at (505) 699-9237 (Office) with your questions.

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RECORDATORIO: Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades advierten a los consumidores sobre los altos niveles de plomo en la sangre de los niños, potencialmente relacionados con los productos de puré de manzana con canela