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Home News Investigating Salmonella Case Linked to National Outbreak
Kenny Vigil
505-841-5871 Office
505-470-2290 Mobile

Investigating Salmonella Case Linked to National Outbreak

February 2, 2016 - Foodborne Disease Agents - Alert

On Jan. 29, 2016, Garden of Life LLC announced that it is voluntarily withdrawing a limited quantity of its Raw Meal Organic Shake & Meal Chocolate, Original, Vanilla and Vanilla Chai because they have the potential to contain Salmonella Virchow.The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the New Mexico Environment Department, the Albuquerque Environmental Health Department, and other state health departments as part of an ongoing investigation of Salmonella virchow. To date, there are 11 confirmed cases across nine states. New Mexico currently has one confirmed case in a 75-year-old man from Otero County.

Cases related to this outbreak appear to be linked to consuming Garden of Life Raw Meal Organic Shake and Meal products. These powdered nutritional supplements come in a variety of flavors and are available at nutrition stores and food cooperatives throughout the state and country, as well as via online retailers.

Garden of Life LLC has issued a voluntary recall of its chocolate, original, vanilla, and vanilla chai Raw Meal Organic Shake and Meal supplements. The New Mexico Department of Health recommends that New Mexicans not eat any flavor of this product if purchased on or after November 1, 2015. Additionally, product with a “Best Used by: 09/2017” date or later stamped on the bottom of the container should not be consumed. Customers who purchased these items can return them for a full refund. More information, including specific lot numbers are available on the Garden of Life Recall Information page.

“The New Mexico Department of Health encourages anyone who consumed this product and is experiencing symptoms related to Salmonella to visit their health care provider,” advises Department of Health Secretary Retta Ward, MPH.

Symptoms include an acute onset of headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Dehydration, especially among infants, may be severe.

People who are at high risk for Salmonella infection include: infants, elderly, immunocompromised, including persons on immunosuppressive therapies or medications, and pregnant women. Healthy adults rarely develop severe illness. It is important for people at high risk to follow the standard CDC guidance about Salmonella. People can decrease their risk of Salmonella infection through proper food handling and preparation and by practicing proper hand washing and hygiene practices.

Please visit the Salmonella page for more information.


Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact Kenny Vigil at 505-841-5871 (Office) or 505-470-2290 (Mobile) with your questions.

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Investigando un Caso de Salmonella Vinculado al Brote Nacional