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The New Mexico Statewide Immunization Information System NMSIIS is an excellent tool for providers across New Mexico. On this page, providers can read about NMSIIS functions and benefits. Training, resources, and additional opportunities to learn about New Mexico’s IIS are also available. Because New Mexico is a mandatory reporting state, it is vital that providers understand and utilize NMSIIS in every day operations.

What is an Immunization System

The New Mexico Statewide Immunization Information System (NMSIIS) is a computerized Internet database application that was developed to record and track immunization dates of New Mexico State's children and adults, providing assistance for keeping everyone on track for their recommended immunizations.

Statewide Immunization Information System is New Mexico’s Immunization Information System (IIS). An IIS is a confidential and secure computer database designed to collect and maintain vaccination records of children and adults. Utilization of the IIS promotes cost effective and efficient disease prevention, which leads to better health for New Mexicans.

What does NMSIIS do?

The most basic function of NMSIIS is to be a tracking tool to help keep children on schedule for their recommended immunizations. NMSIIS is also able to:

  • Record immunizations, contraindications, and reactions.
  • Validate immunization history and provide recommendations.
  • Manage vaccine inventory
  • Generate immunization history and recommendation reports to give to parents
  • Produce immunization recall and reminder notices for providers to mail to clients
  • Generate data reports for providers to complete external reports

Automated data transfer between a provider’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) and NMSIIS is available for providers whose EHR can generate the requisite HL7 2.5.1 messages, which holds great promise for the future. For more information on automated data exchange, please visit our Data Exchange page.

NMSIIS Benefits to Providers

  • Record immunizations, contraindications, and reactions
  • Reduce expenses and risk incurred by administering duplicate immunizations
  • Reduce missed vaccination opportunities
  • Decrease incidence of disease
  • Decrease incidence of vaccine adverse reactions
  • Prevent vaccine waste through better inventory management
  • Reduce staff time and expense for documenting immunizations and producing reports
  • Improve efficiency of office operations


Please visit the NMSIIS Training page for more information on becoming a NMSIIS user.

NMSIIS website

VaxView enables individuals, parents, and guardians to access, save and/or print official immunization records. This eliminates the need to carry multiple or aged documents and allows you to access your shot record anytime you need. is mobile friendly and uses two-factor authentication.

Additional Information about IIS


Please see the NMSIIS Providers Frequently Asked Questions document for more information.