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Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention Program


CDC Official Health Advisory - Outbreak of Hepatitis A Virus Infections

CDC Official Health Advisory - Outbreak of Hepatitis A Virus Infections

CDC Official Health Advisory - Outbreak of Hepatitis A Virus Infections

This page on the CDC website is an official Health Advisory regarding the outbreak of Hepatitis A Virus Infections among persons who use drugs and persons experiencing homelessness. This advisory was distributed via the CDC Health Alert Network June 11, 2018.

CDC Outbreaks of hepatitis A in multiple states – 2017

CDC Outbreaks of hepatitis A in multiple states – 2017

CDC Outbreaks of hepatitis A in multiple states – 2017

This page on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website covers information about 2017 – Outbreaks of hepatitis A in multiple states among people who use drugs and/or people who are homeless.

Health and Hope: Taking Care of Yourself & Your Hepatitis C

Health and Hope: Taking Care of Yourself & Your Hepatitis C

Health and Hope: Taking Care of Yourself & Your Hepatitis C

This short documentary series documents the struggles of those facing the challenges of addiction, Hepatitis C and incarceration.

Hepatitis B Awareness

Hepatitis B Awareness

Hepatitis B Awareness

Hepatitis B is caused by infection with the Hepatitis B virus. The incubation period from the time of exposure to onset of symptoms is 6 weeks to 6 months.

Hepatitis B Virus Infection-A Comprehensive Immunization Strategy to Elminate Transmission

Hepatitis B Virus Infection-A Comprehensive Immunization Strategy to Elminate Transmission

Hepatitis B Virus Infection-A Comprehensive Immunization Strategy to Elminate Transmission

This report available on the Center for Disease Control website details the comprehensive immunization strategy to eliminate transmission of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States.

Hepatitis C Awareness

Hepatitis C Awareness

Hepatitis C Awareness

Hepatitis C virus infection is the most common chronic bloodborne infection in the United States.

Hepatitis Risk Assessment

Hepatitis Risk Assessment

Hepatitis Risk Assessment

This assessment will help determine if you should be vaccinated and/or tested for viral hepatitis by asking a series of questions. Depending on your answers, you will be given a tailored recommendation that you should discuss with your doctor or your professional healthcare provider. Any information received through the use of this tool is not medical advice and should not be treated as such.

New Mexico HIV Hepatitis STD Online Resource Guide

New Mexico HIV Hepatitis STD Online Resource Guide

New Mexico HIV Hepatitis STD Online Resource Guide

The online resource guide will help you find the services you need. Use as many of the form fields below as needed to search for a provider that will suit your needs.

Project ECHO

Project ECHO

Project ECHO

Project ECHO is a lifelong learning and guided practice model that revolutionizes medical education and exponentially increases workforce capacity to provide best-practice specialty care and reduce health disparities.

Viral Hepatitis

Viral Hepatitis

Viral Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis is the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplantation.

World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day

In 2010 the World Health Organization made World Hepatitis Day one of only four official disease-specific world health days, to be celebrated each year on the 28th July. Millions of people across the world now take part in World Hepatitis Day, to raise awareness about viral hepatitis, and to call for access to treatment, better prevention programs and government action.