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HIV Prevention Program

The goal of the HIV Prevention Program is to reduce HIV transmission by planning, funding, coordinating and evaluating evidence-based HIV prevention interventions for at-risk populations across New Mexico.

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Program Functions

The program also delivers a number of administrative and oversight functions directly:

  • Training, technical assistance and capacity building for providers.
  • Process and outcome monitoring of HIV prevention and testing interventions, including annual site visits of funded community-based agencies, quality assurance (QA) visits and support, collection and analysis of process data, and regular reporting to CDC and partners within New Mexico.
  • Coordination, support and technical assistance for a statewide HIV Prevention Community Planning and Action Group (CPAG), which is mandated by CDC to define and prioritize 1) at-risk target populations and 2) appropriate and effective HIV prevention interventions for each target group.
  • New Mexico-HIV Prevention Overview of Funding Sources, Organizations and Activities.

Who We Serve

  • Persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH/A)
  • Gay/bisexual men and other Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
  • Transgender persons
  • Injection Drug Users (IDU)
  • Heterosexuals at Risk (HAR)

Community-based website offering resources and information about HIV, STDs, Viral Hepatitis, and Harm Reduction services across New Mexico. This searchable guide will help you find the best and most appropriate services in your area.

Resource Guide

To find a HIV testing or prevention program near you, visit our HIV/STD/Hepatitis Resource Guide.

This valuable community based website offering resources and information about services related to HIV, STDs, Viral Hepatitis, and Harm Reduction.

It features a searchable guide that will help you find the best and most appropriate services in your area.