HIV Prevention Program
The goal of the HIV Prevention Program is to reduce HIV transmission by planning, funding, coordinating and evaluating evidence-based HIV prevention interventions for at-risk populations across New Mexico.
Recent Activity
News Articles
- DOH recommends clients of VIP Spa get tested for blood-borne infections (July 5, 2023)
- National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (February 5, 2015)
- National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (February 5, 2014)
- A Reason to See Red This Month (December 4, 2013)
- HIV Services Dental Program Fee Schedule FY24 (General)
- Integrated Plan for HIV Prevention and Care 2022-2026 (Plan)
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Program Overview (General)
Program Functions
The program also delivers a number of administrative and oversight functions directly:
- Training, technical assistance and capacity building for providers.
- Process and outcome monitoring of HIV prevention and testing interventions, including annual site visits of funded community-based agencies, quality assurance (QA) visits and support, collection and analysis of process data, and regular reporting to CDC and partners within New Mexico.
- Coordination, support and technical assistance for a statewide HIV Prevention Community Planning and Action Group (CPAG), which is mandated by CDC to define and prioritize 1) at-risk target populations and 2) appropriate and effective HIV prevention interventions for each target group.
- New Mexico-HIV Prevention Overview of Funding Sources, Organizations and Activities.
Who We Serve
- Persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH/A)
- Gay/bisexual men and other Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
- Transgender persons
- Injection Drug Users (IDU)
- Heterosexuals at Risk (HAR)

Resource Guide
To find a HIV testing or prevention program near you, visit our HIV/STD/Hepatitis Resource Guide.
This valuable community based website offering resources and information about services related to HIV, STDs, Viral Hepatitis, and Harm Reduction.
It features a searchable guide that will help you find the best and most appropriate services in your area.