Welcome to New Mexico’s HIV Community Planning and Action Group (CPAG)!

CPAG was founded in 1995 to ensure that the voices and expertise of the diverse communities impacted by HIV were included in planning. It has worked for over 20 years to ensure that New Mexico has excellent HIV prevention services.

In 2015, CPAG expanded its mission to conduct planning for all activities related to HIV – including HIV medical treatment, support services and other care for persons living with HIV. CPAG worked during 2015 and 2016 to create New Mexico's first Integrated Plan for HIV Prevention and Care. The second integrated plan was finished in 2022 for the next 5 year term. All HIV plans can be found on the HIV Plans page.

CPAG developed this new Vision statement in 2022 and incorporated it into the new Integrated Plan.

New Mexico will be a place where 1) new HIV infections are prevented, 2) persons with HIV know their status and are retained in high quality care so they can achieve their full potential across their life span, and 3) barriers, stigma, discrimination and disparities are eliminated. This will achieve health equity and social justice for all persons and communities impacted by HIV regardless of race/ethnicity; sexual orientation; gender, gender identity, and gender expression; age; socio-economic circumstance; disability; language; immigration status; religion, spirituality and cultural tradition; and geographic locations including rural, frontier and tribal areas.

CPAG invites all persons affected by HIV to join in implementing and monitoring this ambitious plan.
