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Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, & Children (WIC)


Health Department Announces WIC Infant Formula Changes September 18, 2015 - Women, Infants and Children - Information

The New Mexico Department of Health’s Women Infants and Children Program is announcing today changes that will impact families who get infant formula. Starting October 1, WIC will have a contract with Abbott Nutrition, which makes Similac Infant Formula. Beginning October 1, WIC will no longer co... « read more »

Las Cruces Public Health Office Celebrates World Breastfeeding Week August 3, 2015 - Women, Infants and Children - Celebration

The New Mexico Department of Health’s Women, Infants and Children nutritional program will host a World Breastfeeding Week Celebration at the Las Cruces Public Health Office, 1170 N. Solano Dr. in Las Cruces, on Friday, Aug. 7 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. « read more »

Moms, Get Empowered; Breastfeed July 29, 2015 - Women, Infants and Children - Celebration

The department’s Women Infants and Children clinics around the state will celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, the international celebration held annually, August 1-7. The celebration encourages breastfeeding, which improves the health of babies and mothers around the world. « read more »

Women, Infants, & Children Reaches Out to New Mexico Mothers March 20, 2015 - Women, Infants and Children - Celebration

The New Mexico Department of Health’s Women, Infants and Children nutritional program launches a media campaign commemorating its 40th anniversary this week, featuring New Mexico families who benefit from the program’s nutritious foods and nutrition education. « read more »

Grand Opening of New WIC Office November 14, 2014 - Women, Infants and Children - Celebration

Department of Health Secretary Retta Ward participated in the grand opening of a new Women’s Infants Children’s office. The 2,300 square foot facility features a large waiting area, WIC classrooms, nutrition offices and secure storage area for WIC supplies. « read more »

Española WIC Program Opening for Saturday Hours November 7, 2014 - Women, Infants and Children - Information

The Española Women, Infants, Children program office at the Rio Arriba County Public Health Office will be offering services on the following two Saturdays in the fall and winter months. « read more »

Breaking Down Barriers to Breastfeeding August 6, 2014 - Women, Infants and Children - Information

For every mother I’ve ever talked to over the years, one of the important things I’ve learned is every journey to motherhood is different. It’s never, ever as simple as “Woman meets man and they have a child”. But one of the first things any new mom decides is simple, but oh so important... « read more »

World Breastfeeding Week August 1, 2014 - Women, Infants and Children - Celebration

The New Mexico Department of Health’s Women Infants and Children (WIC) clinics around the state celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, the international celebration now underway and held annually, August 1-7. The celebration encourages breastfeeding, which improves the health of babies and mothers a... « read more »

Santa Fe WIC Offices Move to New Location July 21, 2014 - Women, Infants and Children - Information

A New Mexico Department of Health’s WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) office currently located in the Santa Fe County Health Office will be moving to a new location on August 4, 2014. The clinic is relocating to 2538 Camino Entrada, Suite 204. « read more »

WIC Services Expanded in Artesia January 8, 2014 - Women, Infants and Children - Information

The New Mexico Department of Health announces expansion of Women, Infants and Children (WIC) services at its Artesia offices from three to five days a week. « read more »

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