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Emergency Medical Services Trauma Care Program


Trauma care facilities are an integral aspect of traumatic injury care. Access to a any level of trauma center can reduce the risk of death among severely injured patients. Severely injured patients more than one hour from a trauma center are at an increased risk of death.

See our EMS Trauma Center Map for a comprehensive list of trauma center locations in New Mexico. The map includes a table of trauma centers color-coded by the trauma center level (I, II, III, or IV).

Our Air Ambulance program maintans the EMS Air Ambulance Certified Air Services List for the state of New Mexico.

Please continue scrolling down this page for information on Trauma Center Requirements, the Trauma Registry, and links to Trauma-Related Committees.

Trauma Center Requirements

This section provides information on trauma center requirements including applicable New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) rules, application and reporting forms, and more.



  • NMAC 7.27.7 - Emergency Medical Services Trauma Care System

Learn More

Trauma Registry

This query module is a part of the Indicator-Based Information System and provides the ability to query incidents, deaths, length of stays, and number of intensive care unit days.

The trauma registry is used to collect information about demographic characteristics, treatments and clinical outcomes to monitor and evaluate the many aspects of the trauma system. These data can be used to help improve patient care in the future.

You can access the data online at any time by using our Trauma Registry Data Query Module made possible by the New Mexico Indicator-Based Information System (IBIS). This query module is a part of the Indicator-Based Information System and provides the ability to query incidents, deaths, length of stays, and number of intensive care unit days.

Please see below for more information about our trauma registry including forms, data dictionary, transport agency codes, policies, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and data reports.




Health Data

Trauma-Related Committees

There are a number of trauma related committees, forums, and councils. Please visit the pages below for more information about a specific entity.