Emergency Medical Services Committees
SWAC Meeting Agenda (2022-11-16)
SWAC Meeting Agenda (2023-02-22)
SWAC Meeting Minutes (2022-04-27)
SWAC Meeting Minutes (2022-07-27)
SWAC Meeting Minutes (2022-11-16)
MDC Meeting Agenda (2022-09-22)
MDC Meeting Agenda (2022-12-09)
MDC Meeting Agenda (2023-03-10)
MDC Meeting Minutes (2022-07-08)
MDC Meeting Minutes (2022-09-22)
MDC Meeting Minutes (2022-12-09)
This document describes the required process for eligible trauma system development projects to receive funding. Funding will be issued through a separate agreement between each approved organization and the New Mexico Department of Health Memorandum of Agreement process.
The information in this section is intended to provide public notice of disciplinary actions taken by the New Mexico Department of Health and the Emergency Medical Systems Bureau. Note that there may be various actions that are still in process, but have not yet been completed due to the administrative process.
Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator
These meeting minutes are for the Statewide EMS Joint Organization on Education Committee meeting.
Currently there is no evidence available supporting the administration of benzodiazepines in the pre-hospital setting by EMT- Intermediates in other jurisdictions; however, it may prove beneficial to allow EMT – Intermediates to administer benzodiazepines in the pre-hospital setting to avoid adverse outcomes related to delays in treatment.
This is a document to be filled out when an Instructor Coordinator is changing his/her training institution affiliation or adding an affiliation with a training institution.
These meeting minutes are for the Statewide EMS Joint Organization on Education Committee meeting.
These meeting minutes are for the Statewide EMS Joint Organization on Education Committee meeting.
This is the re-entry application for instructor/coordinators.