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Biomonitoring Program


Photo of the publication cover. Depleted Uranium Project Summary Biomonitoring Program - General April 1, 2009

During the 2007 legislative session, Senate Bill (SB) 611 allocated $40,000 to develop a testing protocol, develop and establish a health registry, contract with appropriate testing laboratories and coordinate affected parties in regard to a voluntary testing program for military veterans who may have been exposed to depleted uranium or other isotopes in the Persian Gulf war or in the current Iraq or Afghanistan conflict.

Photo of the publication cover. Biomonitoring Fact Sheet Biomonitoring Program - Help January 1, 2004

Biomonitoring is the evaluation of human sample media such as blood or urine to assess chemical exposures. This document describes what biomonitoring is, the steps taken to analyze samples, health goals, project goals, and other aspects of the biomonitoring project including progress and products.