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This was an exploratory analysis to determine if there were neighborhood level risk factors associated with pertussis cases in New Mexico. Overall, incidence de-creased among groups with lower poverty and crowding, particularly for White and Hispanic populations.
The social determinants of health are social, economic and cultural factors that can influence the ability of a person or a population to live a healthy and fulfilled life. The importance of examining socioeconomic disparities and their relationship with health outcomes, is well established.
This report presents data from 2008 to 2012 on cancer incidence and mortality. This time period was chosen because it represents the most current publically available data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results program. For Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data, the most current available year/set of years was used. BRFSS data on cancer risk behaviors were available from 2011-2013. BRFSS data on cancer screening were available for the year 2012.