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Site for Public Health Emergency Response Education

TRAIN New Mexico

TRAIN New Mexico is a web-based resource for public health emergency professionals, and those interested in the public health emergency field, to access web-based trainings, enroll in instructor lead workshops/courses, and to stay informed on the latest public health emergency trainings for your area of interest or expertise.

Our goal is to help you become better prepared to respond to public health emergencies here in New Mexico's land of enchantment.

In pursuit of this goal we are proud to offer the nations premier learning & training resource TRAIN New Mexico, a web-based learning management system which provides a robust clearninghouse of over 25,500 public health courses and health emergency management courses.

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New Mexico TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network

This is the premier learning resource for professionals who protect the public's health. A free service of the Public Health Foundation is part of the newly expanded TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network (TRAIN).

The nation's premier learning & training resource for those who protect the public's health and those in health emergency management. TRAIN New Mexico is a web-based management solution that provides a robust clearinghouse of on-site training and web-based distance learning opportunities available in local, state, and national jurisdictions. TRAIN New Mexico houses more than 25,500 public health courses offered by more than 4,000 providers.

TRAIN New Mexico is the only learning management system for public health and safety that:

  • Networks with 24 TRAIN affiliates that actively share information & training through a uniform system.
  • Developed by the Public Health Foundation whose 40 year mission is to build public health infrastructure.
  • Involved over 40 states & 400 public health professionals in its planning and development.
  • Coordinated with the CDC on their nationwide training strategy for terrorism preparedness & response.
  • Can create detailed reports on course availability and learner participation.

Emergency Management Institute Training

The Emergency Management Institute offers self-paced Independant Study Program courses designed for people who have emergency management responsibilities and the general public. All are offered free-of-charge to those who qualify for enrollment.

The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) serves as the national focal point for the development and delivery of emergency management training. This training enhances the capabilities of the Federal, state, and local government, volunteer organizations, and the private sector to minimize the impact of disasters on the American public.

EMI curricula, including the Independent Study Program courses, are structured to meet the needs of this diverse audience with an emphasis on how the various elements work together in emergencies to save lives and protect property.

The Independent Study Program is a distance learning program offered free of charge to the American public. It serves as both an alternate means to deliver valuable training to the professional and volunteer emergency management community, and an opportunity to improve public awareness and promote disaster preparedness nationally.

Please visit the Independent Study Program website to get started.

National Incident Management System Training

The Bureau of Health Emergency Management's Education and Performance Development Section is required to track successful completion of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) courses, located below, for all NMDOH employees. If you have previously completed the required NIMS courses, but have yet to have them documented as so, please fax a hard copy of your certificates to our training coordinator at 505-476-8288. Identify your work location, division, bureau, and/or Public Health Region when submitting certificates.

Online Courses

At present, all online NIMS courses are being offered directly by FEMA. Upon successful completion of each NIMS course you will be emailed a certificate of completion.

Classroom Courses

At present, ICS-300 & ICS-400 are being offered through our partners at the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM). View the Training Schedule for Department of Homeland Security to search available classes and enroll.

  • ICS 300 — Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents.
  • ICS 400 — Advanced ICS, Command and General Staff - Complex Incidents.

Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA Student Identification number is a unique number generated and assigned to anyone who needs or is required to take training provided by a FEMA organization. Your FEMA SID uniquely identifies you throughout the FEMA organization and all of its agencies.

The FEMA Student Identification number is required for anyone taking training provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), such as ICS courses or trainings at EMI. Your unique FEMA SID is used to register for training and to maintain a record of all FEMA-provided training you have taken. Please visit the FEMA Student Identification System website to register for a FEMA SID or to recover your existing one if you do not remember it.

Training and Exercise Plan


The purpose of the Health Emergency Management Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is to build a capabilities and performance-based training and exercise program that provides a standardized methodology for emergency response training and exercise design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

The TEP is a "living document" that is updated and refined quarterly. It provides a roadmap for assuring an effective program that reflects identified needs within the Public Health community. This TEP is shared with the DHSEM to assist in coordination of development of the annual statewide Training and Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW).


Please contact our exercise coordinator Cynthia Holmes at 505-476-8208 for information.