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Home Divisions Health Improvement Director’s Office Policy, Planning & Performance Improvement

Office of Policy, Planning & Performance Improvement


The Division of Health Improvement (DHI) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DHI updates.

The office of Policy, Planning and Performance Improvement works closely with the other program areas of DHI to develop and implement system and performance improvement. The office achieves this goal through the following activities.

  • The development of new rules, policies and procedures.
  • The revision or replacement of out of date rules, policies and procedures.
  • Developing and implementing the DHI strategic plan in conjunction with the NMDOH strategic plan, through the use of strategic execution plans.
  • The tracking and trending of performance measures to improve population and program outcomes.
  • Conducts research and special projects to inform processes for data driven decisions.