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Home Divisions Health Improvement Community-Based Programs Informal Reconsideration of Findings

Informal Reconsideration of Findings


The Division of Health Improvement (DHI) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DHI updates.

There are two different processes for initiating an Informal Reconsideration of Findings (IRF) based on whether you are disputing Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation (ANE) or a survey report findings. Please continue reading to determine the correct process for each respective situation

Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation

Providers who wish to dispute the findings of a specific investigation report of ANE may do so by requesting an IRF for Incident Management Bureau (IMB).

The request must be submitted within 10 calendar days of being notified of the substantiated ANE. The request must be submitted using the Informal Reconsideration of Findings for Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Request Form and should include supporting evidence.

Survey Report Findings

Providers who wish to dispute the specific finding(s) of a Quality Management Bureau (QMB) survey may do so by requesting an IRF for QMB. The request must be submitted using the Informal Reconsideration of Findings for Survey Reports Request Form.

Please see our Informal Reconsideration of Finding Process (Attachment C) document for more information about how the IRF process for QMB works.

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