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State Government Resources

Links to other state government agency and organization websites.

Tribal Liaison

Indian Affairs Department

Indian Affairs Department

Indian Affairs Department

Since 2003 the New Mexico Indian Affairs Department has implemented groundbreaking state-tribal policies intended to improve the quality of life for the state's Indian citizens.

Navajo Epidemiology Centers

Navajo Epidemiology Centers

Navajo Epidemiology Centers

Navajo Epidemiology Centers

Navajo Nation Department of Health

Navajo Nation Department of Health

Navajo Nation Department of Health

Navajo Nation Department of Health

State Tribal Collaboration Act

State Tribal Collaboration Act

State Tribal Collaboration Act

The information on the NM Indian Affairs Department site is the act relating to governmental affairs, enacting the State Tribal Collaboration Act.

The Navajo Epidemiology Center (NEC)

The Navajo Epidemiology Center (NEC)

The Navajo Epidemiology Center (NEC)

The Navajo Epidemiology Center (NEC)