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State Government Resources

Links to other state government agency and organization websites.

Healthy Aging

Advance Geriatric Care Planning

Advance Geriatric Care Planning

Advance Geriatric Care Planning

Advance Care Planning is a process of clarifying your values and health care choices for use at a future time if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.

Area Agency on Aging

Area Agency on Aging

Area Agency on Aging

New Mexico’s four Area Agencies on Aging, or AAA’s, administer, plan and support community based services for individuals 60 and older, or age 55 and older in tribal programs. Most of the services coordinated through the AAA’s are provided at the local level.

Brain Health Presentation Toolkit

Brain Health Presentation Toolkit

Brain Health Presentation Toolkit

The Brain Health Resource is a presentation toolkit offering current, evidence-based information and resources to facilitate conversations with older people about brain health as we age. Designed for use at senior centers and in other community settings, materials are written in plain language and explain what people can do to help keep their brains functioning best.

Caregivers Information

Caregivers Information

Caregivers Information

A family caregiver is anyone who is an informal provider of in-home or community care for a relative or loved one. You may assist with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, eating, and medical tasks. You may run errands, take care of the house, take your loved one to appointments, or coordinate care. Most people, at some point in their lives, become caregivers.

Eldercare Locator Resources

Eldercare Locator Resources

Eldercare Locator Resources

This web page provides fact sheets, publications, links and other useful information for older adults, caregivers, and professionals.

Give Peace of Mind Through Advance Care Planning

Give Peace of Mind Through Advance Care Planning

Give Peace of Mind Through Advance Care Planning

Advance care planning can be a gift you give yourself and your family. It is about doing what you can to ensure that your wishes and preferences are consistent with the health care treatment you might receive if you were unable to speak for yourself or make your own decisions.

Healthy Aging & Prevention

Healthy Aging & Prevention

Healthy Aging & Prevention

We are committed to promoting activities that are designed to maintain or improve physical and mental well-being, maintain independence, and build knowledge and skills that enable older adults to make informed choices about lifestyle and health issues. We support several evidence-based, community initiatives that provide health benefits and promote disease and injury prevention.

Speak Up

Speak Up

Speak Up

Advance Care Planning is a process of thinking about and sharing your wishes for future health and personal care. It can help you tell others what would be important if you were ill and unable to communicate.